Underworld (Dark Passage) Page 6
Chapter 5
Beneath the stone staircase is a small door that opens to the outside. This place is more than a house. It’s a sanctuary that boasts living creatures, ponds that sparkle like crystal and trees that rustle magically as though blown by an unseen breeze. The scents are what amaze me most. The fragrance of lavender blooming by the sea, pine trees in the Spring, and even the essence of citrus ripening in the sun give the place an ethereal feel about it.
Of all the places I have ever seen this place is by far the most interesting. I walk quietly around wondering how this oasis even exists here. Then a voice broke through my thoughts.
“You’re probably wondering how all this could exist in the dark world?”
“Well- yesI suppose you could say that,” I said with a smile and lookingin the direction of Tom’s voice. Standing a ways off is Tom. The dog, Jeff, is sitting off a few paces to his side. Tom looks so out of place in the spectacular gardens. Rather like an old troll in a china shop. He is scratching his beard thoughtfully as I have seen him do so many times.
Tom straightened with a laugh. “I’ll tell you about all that later. First I want to show you something.” Tom began walking in the direction of the buildings behind the house. Each of his steps was two to mine and I had to run to keep up with him.
“There.” Tom pointed to the field and a white horse looked up from his grazing. Before I could say anything the animal was halfway down the field. He gave a couple bucks as he made his way to us and stopped a few strides short of where I was standing. He half reared in the air and snorted a greeting.
“How in the world did you get here?” He didn’t answer of course but tossed his head and pushed me with his nose. I rested my palms on his withers and scratched him under his mane. Tom stood next to me with his hands in his pockets. He rocked back on his heels and scratched his beard thoughtfully.
“The white horses belong to the third realm. When we saw him in the field this morning Emma said he was yours. How did you ever get your hands on one? He will prove right useful to you here.”
I take a handful of thick mane in my hand and swung up on the horse. I squeeze my legs and directed him over to where Tom is standing. It’s not difficult to see that Tom has a way with animals. The horse rubs his head on Tom’s chest and seems completely at ease with him.
Tom patted the horse on the neck affectionately. Well Jast you picked a good one,” said Tom smiling up at me warmly. There is something in the way he is looking at me. It almost looks like pride but why should he feel proud?
“How do you know his name?” I said with a puzzled look on my face.
Tom smiled at me and shook his head as he patted Jast once more. He obviously was not going to tell me how he knew the animal’s name.
“We have a saddle that should fit him just right,” said Tom as he headed back in the direction of the house. When we reached the path that led up to the door beneath the stone staircase Tom stopped and motioned me to follow. I slid off Jast and gave him an affectionate rub between his eyes before following Tom inside the house. We made our way upstairs into and followed the long hall to a set of double doors. Tom held one of the doors open for me and once I was inside he closed it behind me.
We were in a library with rows and rows of books. The smell of the old volumes of books mixed with cedar burning in the fireplace filled the room. It was morning on the fourth day since I arrived. An intense longing to be with Jen and the others had settled on me. It had been my saving grace to find this place but I was ready to move on find Lisa and David. The problem is that I have no idea where to look or what I will find when I finally do catch up to them. How could Lisa survive one night here let alone a week? When I do find them, what then? Lizzie had said I was now part spirit and life could never be the same for me. What does that mean?
Tears fall hot on my cheek and I brush them quickly away with the back of my hand. I feel somewhat depressed and glance away so I can compose myself but not before Tom noticed. He hands me a linen handkerchief. I hate being out of control of my emotions and dab at my eyes.
We sit in silence for a few minutes and Tom got up to put a log on the fire. He stirred the embers with a poker and stood watching me. He turned toward me after a while. His eyebrows arched and he gave me a slow smile, his eyes twinkling. “I wouldn’t worry Ivy. It seems to me that you have a lot more going for you than you know”.
I clear my throat and look away embarrassed by my tears. “I suppose I’m not really cut out for this sort of thing”.
Tom was sitting on a chair scratching his beard thoughtfully. It seemed to be the thing he did when deep in thought. There was a long pause that lasted several seconds before he spoke. The corners of his mouth turned up in a smile.
“You’re not doing anything that you haven’t been equipped for. You would never have been chosen if you couldn’t do what you were sent here to do.”
“How can I be equipped when I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do?” I feel a sudden surge of panic rising up in me as the words tumble out. I don’t understand what I have done to deserve this and the thought of what I will have to face is terrifying.
“The way you are to go will come to you. You will be led by an inner feeling and when the time is right you will know what to do. The light will find you and show you other dimensions and doorways which you may pass through”.
I search Tom’s face in anticipation that he will tell me more. What he is saying doesn’t make any sense but I can sense truth in his eyes.
“Don’t worry for your life Ivy . You are protected and your death must come from the source that is leading you,” said Tom. He looked into my face with kindness that reached far into my mind.
I want to ask Tom why he was here, but I feared that if he told me, then this beautiful place would disappear and I would be back in my nightmare. The weight on my chest is immediate and I have a sense of dread. I have seen glimpses of this place in my dreams and I know there are things I am to see before leaving.
There’ s a sinking feeling in my stomach and I know that my time here is short. I reach out with all my senses in an effort to understand why I am here. I suddenly feel tired and sit down on the sofa. My eyes close for a moment and then my mind opens like a door.
I see myself walking in the trees from the field beyond the iron fence. When I reach the forest I hide under a dense bush to rest. As soon as I fall asleep I see a beautiful light surrounding me. I get up from where I am sleeping and walk into the light and find myself in a void. I have the sensation of being hugged and protected in the light.
The most powerful feeling of peace and love envelopes me as I walk through the light. I hadn’t noticed when I initially came into the forest but I had walked into another dimension. I am so distracted by the beauty of the light that I hadn’t noticed the others at first.
There are a multitude of people all around me that I can sense but not see. I intuitively know that they are there to help me navigate to the dimension I need to go. I can feel their energy pushing me forward.
There is an intersection of various dimensions and I am walking on a path. It seems to be made up of white rock that crunches as I walk. The path takes me by a series of doors. The doors are transparent and I can see into them as I walk past.
Some doors lead into forests or beaches while others open up into cities both from the past and the future. I pass many doors that I would love to explore but then there are some dark dimensions. I can feel fear, chaos and evil in these portals. My heart starts to beat faster at the sight of a lava red fire burning from one dimension. I stop to look inside wondering what this doorway leads into.
There is a mountain at the start of the portal with red lava dripping down the outside. A dirt trail leads into the mountain and I step closer to the portal to see what is there. The trail winds back and forth down the mountain. At the bottom of the mountain is an expanse of barren land. I see plants dotting the landscape unlike any I have ever seen. I take a
step closer and strain my eyes to see what they are. They are not plants at all but bodies. Bodies and limbs of people are strewn all over. As I try and make sense out of what I am seeing the sky darkens. There is a man walking up the trail. As he gets closer it is apparent to me that this is not a human.
I am paralyzed by what I see from that dimension. It seems to be pulling me toward the trail. I am fighting the magnetic pull of the portal and trying to loosen the hold on me. The creature is almost to the top of the mountain and is dragging something behind it. I can’t see what it is but the form is not moving.
Tom’s v oice probes gentlyinto my mind. “Turn away from what you see. Look at the light Ivy. It will lead you back here”. I drag my eyes away from the horror of the dark dimension and attempt to reach for the light. My body is paralyzed and movement is impossible.
My mind closes the door to this dimension and I am in total darkness. I try and move forward but feel as though I am behind something large. It is blocking my path and the weight of it keeps me from moving. I push with my mind and inch by inch the weight holding me captive lifts. I can hear the barking of a dog and move in that direction. There is a wall in front of me and I feel along it trying to find a way out.
I walk to the left feeling up and down the wall as I move. My legs are aching as I move up and down frantically feeling for a way out. I can hear the sound of something being dragged across a floor behind me.
My mind is racing and the back of my neck is ice cold with sweat. There are eyes in the darkness coming toward me. I turn to face it and back into the wall. I can see fire in the eyes and the blackness is drawing me deeper. I keep moving and then I feel the coolness of metal. There is a doorknob and I pull open the door and close it quickly behind me. I see a flashlight far in the distance and make my way in that direction. The barking is growing more intense and then I hear the door behind me open. The dragging sound starts again and I don’t dare look back into the eyes I know are there. The shuffling behind me grows louder and I began to run. My body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and running is almost impossible. Determination keeps me moving and the flashlight is growing larger.
I try and pick up speed and nearly fall down. I am bent half over and using my arms to help propel me forward. Then there is a beam of light and it grows in intensity. There is an open door before me and light on the other side. The heaviness of my body is lifting and now I am able to run through the darkness. The light seems to be pulling me through the void and then I am at a threshold.
A wariness comes over me and I take a tentative step forward. Fearing that I may have come to the wrong dimension, I am cautious as I look around, but then I see Tom. I can feel the warmth of the fire and hear the gentle popping of burning firewood
There is a gentle glow, as the light from the portal closes. I can see Tom smiling with approval and I am glad to be back in the library with him. I am cold with sweat and my hair is stuck to my neck. I have never been so scared in all my life. I decide not to tell Tom what I had seen.
“See. I told you it would come to you when you were ready. It’s not so difficult once you learn to focus on where the light wants to take you.”
I shudder thinking about the horror I experienced in the dark. I should have never stopped to look into the dark dimension. I knew it was evil and yet went closer anyway. I need to learn more but don’t want to press Tom for answers. I don’t want to overstep my boundaries and I pay close attention to his eyes as I speak.
“Tom? Did you and the others come from the same place that I did? I meanare you alive?” Tom chuckled with what I said and arched an eyebrow in amusement. “Of course we are alive. Everyone who is born is alive for eternity. It’s just that some of us don’t have earthen bodies any longer after we leave the first dimension.” Tom pauses for a few minutes before continuing. His expression is thoughtful as though searching for just the right words. He reminds me of the grandfather that I had always wished for as a kid.
I imagined what Tom and the others looked like before they left the world I know. It’s difficult for me to comprehend that no one ever really dies. Do they all go to various dimensions and lead other lives like Tom and the others?I can’t help but wonder if the man in my dreams was dead or just from another realm. His presence was vivid, sensual and I can almost feel his hands now. The way he pulled me to him and the feel of his warm breath on my neck made me think there was something more to him. It was as though my dream was being invaded and the most hidden corners of my mind were known to him.
“And how exactly did you know I would be coming here Tom? Did someone tell you? How do you know so much about me?”
“When I was young someone gave me a very old document. I was warned to not open it until the time was right and that if it was opened prematurely it could bring world war. When I broke the seal there I found information about what was to come in the future. It was planned for you to come here.”
“Tom” I persisted. How long ago did you know I would be coming here?” Tom looked at me thoughtfully. He scratches his beard as he did when he analyzes something. He seems almost uncomfortable and contemplating what to say.
I can’t think straight. How does one process something so fantastic? My heart is pounding and there is a slight ringing in my ears. Tom’s silence makes me feel on edge and my anxiety is growing.
“Well. When I was about 20 years old a man came to me. He was a wizened old man and looked to be over 100 years old. He told me that at the appointed time a young woman would come. He said I would know you were the one and I was to give you 3 things when the time was right.”
It just doesn’t make any sense to me. “But you did see him again?”
“Yes. I saw him just before I turned 80 years old. And I saw him once again earlier this year. He gave me an ancient book and when he left he said 3 words. It has begun.”
My mi nd is reeling. I can’t maintain his gaze and I look to the floor. I feel as though he can see through me.“What began? How old are you Tom? Why am I here?”
Just then Lizzie and Emma walk into the room. They give incredulous looks toeach other. “What’s going onTom?” demands Lizzie with her eyebrows arched in anger. She stood there looking distressed and had an accusing look on her face. I can sense the turmoil she is feeling and wonder why she is upset.
Tom just shrugs his shoulders and scratches his beard thoughtfully. He looks in my direction and winks as though we have a joke just between us. I smile back.
“You shouldn’t have said anything Tom. There’s a responsibility that comes with living here. We are only supposed to let her rest and give her the things she needs. You may have opened the seal and put us all in danger” said Lizzie, through gritted teeth.
Tom turned to Lizzie with a steely glint in his eye. “It’s all right Lizzie. I’ll take responsibility for any backlash that that may come from showing her a few things. She had figured some of it out herself already.” Said Tom
Lizzie gave Tom a stern look but that seemed to satisfy her for the moment. The sound of clicking nails on the floor indicated that the dog was joining us in the library. Tom clapped his hands as the mutt ambled toward him and went about scratching him behind his ears. I couldn’t help but wonder if the mutt is dead too. I had always hoped that pets would go to the other world when they passed away.
Lizzie is a beautiful and charming woman who is fierce in following her obligations. I suppose she has her reasons but some rules were meant to be broken. Most people learn through mistakes and a few rules are bound to be broken along the way. There is a smell of fear in the air and Lizzie was staring at me in the strangest way. She walked up to me slowly and stopped a foot from where I stood. Reaching out, she touched the locket Jen had given me, and a surge of power ran through both of us. Lizzie was thrown backwards and caught herself on the arm of a chair. She leaned against the chair and looked startled.
To my amazement, the outline of a face began to appear, in a globular shaped mist that flo
ated a few feet off the floor. The mist grows in size and there is a presence that circles around me. Electrical waves of current flow through me and a strange glow emits from my locket. I can feel warmth and a tingling sensation coursing through me. All of a sudden I have the strongest sense that there is an open portal. I need to find out the truth but no one seems to want to tell me anything.
I am awakened about 4 a.m. by a noise. Something beyond my control compels me to get up. I had been told not to leave my room at night but the force is strong. I pull on my clothes and walk as quietly as possible to the bedroom door. I ease the door open and look both ways to be sure no one is awake. Nervously, I began to walk down the long corridor. I place each foot carefully to reduce the squeaking floor is making. I must find out the truth about this place and the rub is that I know things are being hidden from me but I don’t know why. I am indirect with people when I need to be bold. I suppose it’s a remnant from my dysfunctional family and the lack of trust of people on my part. I have always questioned people’s motives and used an avoidance strategy which has not served me as well as I would have liked.
On one hand, the people here show kindness and seem genuine; however, the missing information makes me doubt their sincerity. I look over my shoulder as I walk in the dark corridor and think I see a black shadow disappear into the wall. I am transfixed on the wall but I don’t see the mysterious shadow again. I continue down the dark corridor and can just make out a light coming from a window at the end. When I reach the window,I don’t see anything at first, but the light reveals a crack in the wall. It was actually the outline of a door. It would have been hidden but for the direct light that illuminated my discovery. I turn around behind me and scan the hallway for the shadow I had seen earlier but there is nothing. I push on the wood panel I several areas and nothing happens. Just as I am about to give up I notice that one of the rocks on the cobbled floor is standing slightly higher than the others. I put my foot on the rock and the small door cracks open.