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Underworld (Dark Passage)


  The Dark Passage Series


  M. L. Woolley Copyright by M.L. Woolley 2013

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either used fictitiously or are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, either living or dead, business establishments or locales are purely coincidental.

  Underworld by M. L. Woolley

  Book 2 of the Dark Passage Series

  All rights reserved. Copyright 2013 by M.L. Woolley

  Cover model: Sofie Brunner Art by Charles Winslow No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission.





  Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible. MARCUS AURELIUS


  To my husband who is my one true love, I would like to thank him; for the many happy years we have spent together.

  To my mom who lived her life to help others. You overcame so many tragedies and yet never gave up on humanity. Thank you for all you taught me and for all that you were. I will always love you.


  A special thanks to the readers, many of whom have become friends. Without you this would not have been possible. She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her

  aspect and her eyes. BYRON


  Long, long ago there was a time of terrible conflict and darkness came to the land. Bloody wars destroyed the lives of many innocent people; and in the midst of the chaos, came one from the light, known as the Shining One. He was a peacemaker and came to restore love and peace to the people who lived above ground.

  The Shining One spoke of goodness and light and his place was a neutral zone where all could pass in peace. He had great powers of persuasion and kindness radiated from his being. All the people were amazed at his words and his light eradicated the evil from the earth.

  He dwelled on a hill, within a beautiful valley, that overlooked the sea. When peace had been restored to the people, it was time for the Shining One to return, to the place from whence he had come. He planted a tree on the hill as a symbol of peace for all people. The tree would grow and the roots would connect both the heavens and the underworld so the Shining One could keep the darkness away from the realm of humans. As long as the tree remained, the darkness would be hidden in the depth of the ground, in the bowels of the underworld.

  The tree grew rapidly and reached a towering height. The trunk measured 50 feet around and the branches spread for a thousand feet in every direction. Green leaves grew in clusters of three; and sweet flowers emitted nectar that was enriched with healing properties. The roots of the great tree spread out to the North, South, East and West and penetrated the earth to the very core. Eagles nested in the tree and served as sentinel for the portal to keep watch for evil. People came from far and wide to find peace and healing in the nectar that the tree produced.

  If one were to rest in the shade of the tree, and ingest t he nectar from the flowers, a dreamlike state would come upon them. While under the spell of the unconscious, the dreamer could learn things about self; see the future and interact with people in other realms. During the dream sequence, the dreamer was able to cross over to the other realms, and many went on quests to find the great treasures hidden in the realm of the dead. It was said, that if the dreamer went alone into the other realm; they risked being trapped, and would never again live above ground.

  Myths about the tree grew and people came from around the world to learn of the mysteries it held. There were groups who were inspired to move to the area to live in the beauty it emitted and others who would destroy it for selfish reasons. Rumors of impending war came to the people who dwelled in the peaceful valley. Miles of tunnels were bored out, and preparations were made so they could survive, should chaos come to their valley. Hidden below the earth’s surface were mysterious caverns which connected the man-made tunnels to the bowels of the underworld. The people of the valley tried to make peace with outsiders but despite their efforts, war did come to the land.

  Darkness once again covered the land and great evil was unleashed on the world. The Shining One did not return to the valley for they had turned from the light and become children of darkness.

  The great tree was cut down and left for waste, but the portal remained, to be discovered at some later time. After that generation of people had passed away the myths of the Tree Of Life faded from the pages of time. The legends of the Shining One and his tree were forgotten and eventually new settlers came to the area.

  A certain sea sailor came to the area to build a home for his family and discovered the beautiful property where the tree once stood. Excavation of the land began and the sailor discovered a maze of tunnels beneath the building site. He made his way through the ancient caves and found himself at a great wall. Stalactite growths hung from the ceiling, and cave pearls had developed over the years, from the sea washing into the caves. They made an iridescent glow on the water that flowed from the slanted ceiling to the floor. Curious, he put his hand on the wet wall and pushed on it, and to his surprise he fell through the shimmering water. On the other side, he could see what appeared to be a parallel world that stretched as far as the eye could see. He was thrilled with his discovery and told no one what he had found.

  The cave entrance was eventually concealed within the foundation of the Victorian home that was built on the site. An elaborate façade was built in the basement to hide the entrance so the man could come and go as he pleased. He discovered great wealth in the underworld and learned that he could trade gold and treasure for the life forces of humans.

  The sailor became very wealthy and used his riches to live an extravagant lifestyle. He hosted elaborate parties in the grand home and many guests came from around the world to attend the events. The sailor and his wife befriended a physician who was an enthusiast of spiritualism. They learned that she was licensed to practice medicine in the State and she would be the ideal vehicle from which life forces could be attained without arousing suspicions of local authorities. Thus began the story of the infamous doctor who murdered her patients. The numbers of people actually murdered by the doctor are unknown but said to be in the hundreds. People would come to her sanitarium to be healed and would die within a year of arrival. Their deaths deemed “natural causes” but eventually family members of the deceased began to suspect her and the doctor’s treachery became headline news in the Seattle area.

  The sailor and his family died tragic, untimely deaths, not long after the public exposure of the doctor. No one suspected that the sailor had made a deal with the demons and they had collected on the debt. What the demons didn’t know is that the sailor’s daughter, Maggie, had composed journals. The stories within the journals had come to her in a series of dreams. The final dream instructed her to hide the collection of books and shortly after that she went missing. A body was eventually discovered in the woods about a half mile from the house. It was so badly burned that the identity of the woman could not be established.

  The crime scene consisted of skeletal remains of a female who had been chained to a huge piece of stone that was situated in a small clearing. There was a sharp piece of stone lying next to the charred body. It appeared as though she had tried to saw off her wrist as part of the lunate bone had been crudely cut away. She had succeeded in freeing part of the lunate bone from the forearm but was not able to cut herself loose before the bonfire consumed her flesh. The journals she left behind would change the
course of many lives, and in time, her act of courage would set her free.

  The house changed hands many times over the decades that followed. It finally found its way into the lives of a writer and his friends. They opened the portal quite by accident and found themselves in the midst of the demonic. The two worlds would merge, as global terror was unleashed, and darkness once again settled over the face of the Earth; reminiscent of the darkness of the Middle Ages. The chosen few prepared for what was to come and waited for their destiny to unfold. They had taken refuge from war in a labyrinth of underground caves, in the depths of the hillside, near the harbor called- the Dark Passage.

  Destiny is a powerful thing and when two souls are meant to be together nothing will stop them. From one world to the next, the human heart evades time and space.

  Chapter 1

  My name is Ivy and I am not the typical 19 year old girl. I am a free spirit. I am beyond stereotypes of girls my age and march to my own drum. I don’t typically fit in with my peers, but between you and me, I willadmit I am somewhat of a freak. It’s not so much my appearance, although the jeans and motorcycle boots don’t always give off the right vibes, it’s my creepy associations with the people from the other side.

  I guess I should explain. I seemed normal enough when I was a kid and even had a couple of friends from the right type of families. I will be the first to admit my family was crazy but I was still considered an average kid. Then crazy things started happening to me. Ghosts would visit me in my bedroom and I would see things that others couldn’t see. Back then I thought I was going out of my mind and that I was on my way to the mental ward. If it wasn’t for my friend Jen I would have been locked away years ago.

  My life was built on rocky relationships, lots of fights and general discord. So when I started to realize that I really was different, I lost it for a while. Life throws lemons at me and I throw tomatoes back. I will be the first to say that I have gone too far with things. I don’t back down from a fight and probably deserve what life has given me. Deep down, I would prefer to chill and just have a peaceful life but that can never happen. You see, I am chosen. Being chosen does not mean I will be famous, rich or respected but rather act as a conduit. I came to know that I have hidden talents and eventually learned of my destiny. In sacrificing myself, for the path I am to follow, I will find the treasure I am seeking; although I don’t yet understand the connection. ****

  The room is sultry and it feels like I am inside a tomb. I settle into the deep cushioned sofa, close my eyes and let my mind wander. It’s tempting to drift off to sleep but doing so means the risk of dreaming. The dreams usually start the same but there are variations with each one. They start with a misty fog, and I find myself walking into some unknown place. There are twists and turns as I walk through uncertain terrain, and suddenly, the fog lifts and I am approaching a village. The sun is beaming down on cypress trees that grow adjacent to a field of lavender. The purple heads sway softly in the breeze and the sweet scent of lavender captivates my senses. The hills roll gently and vineyards dot the horizon. Vines, heavy with grapes can be seen for as far as the eye can see.

  When I reach the city I am delighted with what I see. It is as though I have stepped back in time. There are cobblestone streets with rows of small, ornate houses. They have flower boxes hanging from window sills. They are filled with colorful nasturtiums with trailing vines that wind around the small terraces. Narrow stairwells wind up to rustic wooden doors and lines of fresh laundry is drying on clothes lines.

  I make my way down narrow alleys that converge on dusty streets. The streets make their way around a labyrinth of stone houses and small businesses. I expect to see friendly faces, and children playing, but the place seems like a graveyard. I enter one of the hovels, and on the elaborately carved table, is a large book. The pages are turning by some unknown force. There is a glow emitted from it and I have the impression that the book is alive. I make my way toward it but it’s just out of reach. I exit the home and start to walk along the small shops.

  Baked goods are displayed in the window of a bakery and the smell of warm bread hangs in the air. The village is obviously occupied but not a single person can be seen. In fact there is no sign of life- not even a stray cat.

  As I walk along, enjoying the quaint village sights, the sun is covered by a dark cloud. I look up and notice that the sky has not one but several dark clouds forming. As I watch the clouds grow in size and intensity I can hear the whooshing of wings. The clouds are coming closer but they are not storm clouds. Advancing toward the village are hundreds of winged creatures.

  The sleepy village comes to life and villagers emerge from hiding places as chaos erupts. Villagers are running as hooded figures ransack homes. Blood curdling screams come from every direction and red blood seeps onto the cobblestone streets. The smell of fresh bread is overtaken by the metallic odor of blood.

  Then, from nowhere, a young woman appears and the world seems to stand still. The girl is slashing at the hooded figures and the bloodshed is immense. The bloodcurdling screams shake me to the core but I am a mere observer looking through a window of time.

  I am looking into a demonic netherworld. The girl is a mere shadow of myself, in some other place, that I don’t remember. My counterpart fights until her strength is almost drained. As she falls to the ground there is a light and a smile cuts through the darkness. My heart races as a man appears at her side. I know his face and his eyes hold all the answers. Longing wells up inside me to be next to him and it is at this point that I always wake up in a cold sweat.

  I know. I know. The whole thing sounds crazy right? The most-messed up part is that it’s probably something that really happened. It’s not that I have a rock-solid reputation for being the most-sane person but this is over the top-even for me. Not only is my real life challenging but my dream world is one giant mess.

  I resist the overwhelming urge to go back to sleep. Taking a deep breath I glance around the room. Everyone is at the big table playing cards. It seems so familiar, as though they are out at their favorite restaurant having a glass of wine and swapping the latest gossip. I think about how different I am now, than I was just a year ago. The gritty reality of my life snaps me back to the present and my head is reeling. Change comes, as the night turns to morning, whether we’re ready for it or not.

  I could feel eyes on me and heard footsteps approaching. Jen must have sensed something was bothering me and came over and sat beside me on the sofa.

  “So-what’s bothering you? Anything I can do? Once upon a time, two little girls, best friends, took an oath of loyalty. Jen’s voice had always been the voice of reason-yet- somehow she seems naïve about how things really are now. She had maintained her true self despite the hell she had lived in for the past few years. We had promised to always help each other, even when the weight of our problems pushed us to the breaking point. I just can’t put the ghosts of my past onto her right now. She finally has a slice of happiness with Bill and it’s time for me to go it alone. I want to protect her, as she had done for me when we were kids. That impulse ran deeper than our oath and I would not smother her with my problems.

  I take a deep breath and smile at Jen . “Not unless you know where I can get some shopping therapy”- The rest of my sentence is drowned out by laughter. We both looked over at the people sitting around the table playing cards. Candles flicker on the ceiling and the gloom of the cave seems almost pleasant. There are snorts of laughter filling the room.

  Lisa is telling Bill that he is cheating and that she wants justice. She is laughing so hard she can’t keep a straight face. Her face beams as she slaps her cards down on the table. Not the first time Lisa has created a ruse to win a game.

  I only stare at her through the dim light. Most people don’t go as far as Lisa in indulging selfishness. Its infuriating to me to that Lisa could rip someone’s life apart, leave them for dead and not have a thought of anyone but herself. I could only stare at her as m
y jawclenched and rage boiled my blood. I’m not surprised by the hateful thoughts that run through my mind. Yeah, I know. She’s not worth my time.

  Lisa is someone who had a great zest for life and an unprecedented sense of humor. She is extremely sociable and always the life of the party. Even here, she stands out from the crowd. She is smart and sexy, with a great face and genes that any girl would kill to have. Lisa has it going on every which way. My temper burns like a new tattoo and I fight the impulse to tell her to shut up. Jen had made me promise to not get into it with her so I say nothing.

  Lisa is subtle in how she screws people over. She is able to collect friends like some people collect books and can get them to do most anything for her. She always preferred weird guys like David who had money, and then dumped them, after she had what she wanted. Strange as he was, Lisa seemed to care about him, in her own way. I try and imagine, for a moment, what it must be like to be inside her head. What thoughts fill her day and what dreams does she have? I can’t begin to imagine. It crosses my mind that beneath the cool exterior is a girl afraid of what the future holds. She is just as afraid as the rest of us but hides it well.

  “Hey Ivy”, Jen said as I stood up from the couch. My mind is reeling and I feel dizzy. Jen grabs my hand so I don’t fall and I can sense the presence of spirits. I close my eyes and try to clear the darkness that is gathering inside my mind. Something takes a hold of my mind and I am held hostage. I struggle against the entity inside my head but it is strong and is taking me someplace I don’t want to go.

  I am transported to a dark place with the faint light of fire in the background. I don’t have to wait long before my eyes adjust to the darkness. I glimpse David immediately. His face is streaked with blood and his eyes are half closed. His arm had a savage cut, and even from a distance I can see snapped fibers and ruptured veins beneath the torn flesh. In the dim light I can see someone walking towards him.